General Information
The programme is aimed at chemists, pharmacists and other natural scientists working in small batch production or quality control of radiopharmaceuticals.
Course Language
To obtain the final certificate, applicants must
- Hold a University Master's degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry or Pharmacy or an equivalent qualification according to the regulations of ETH Zurich.
- Attend all three modules (including oral exam) and pass all three written exams after the modules.
- Provide evidence of at least two years of professional experience in the field of radiopharmaceutical chemistry/radiopharmacy (by the end of the programme).
- Proof of completion of a nationally recognised radiation safety course prior to commencing the course.
- The following courses are recommended:
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They are offered by the Strahlenschutzschule at PSI. The late one is also offered in English:
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Alternatively, IRA in Lausanne is also offering courses:
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Each module costs Euro 2500.-.
The module fee covers the lectures and practical sessions, course materials, laboratory materials, transport to external course locations (e.g. factory visits) as well as refreshments, lunches and a welcome dinner.
Payment must be in place prior to attending a course module.
The payment modalities are agreed on in the study plan and signed by the student and the course direction.
Upon successful completion of all modules and the corresponding exams, a Certificate of Advanced Studies issued by ETH Zurich can be obtained. This certificate is signed by a representative of the University of Ljubljana, the ETH Zurich and the University of Leipzig.