For every module there is an oral exam and a written exam.
Oral exams
The oral exam can consist of a presentation or of a colloquium including answering questions. The oral exam usually takes place on the final course day of a module and is compulsory for all participants. Detailed information and requirements are communicated at the beginning of the course module.
Written exams
The written exam consists of 30-35 multiple choice questions on the lectures of the respective module. For module I, participants in addition have to write an SOP. The result of the exam is either "pass" or "fail". Unsuccessful candidates may repeat the exam once at a re-exam which will be arranged if needed.
For modules I and II the exam takes place on the first day of the next module (see overview). Participants not attending the following module should contact the head office in order to find an examination center in their country.
For module III the exam takes place approx. 6 months after the course (usually in March). This exam is held simultaneously at the course centers as well as at national examination centers. The head office tries to arrange an examination center for every country and will contact participants in due time.